More for Scotland's Animals Scottish elections 2021

Ask your future MSP to pledge to do More for Scotland’s Animals

In May, Scotland will have a new Government and 129 new and returning MSPs. We want to send a huge signal to all of them that they must do more for Scotland’s animals in the next Parliament.

Our wild, companion and farmed animals all need better laws to enable them  to flourish and protect them from harm. Newly elected MSPs will have the power to introduce these laws, but they will only do it if they understand how important animals are to their constituents. 

We are calling on everyone who is putting themselves forward to be an MSP to pledge to do more for Scotland’s animals, and you can help. Take this action and you will send an email to all the MSP candidates in your constituency asking them to make the pledge. Every email they get will remind them just how important animals are to us. If they have already signed the pledge, your action will send them a thank you email instead. 

The pledge reads:

“I recognise animals as sentient beings and pledge to do more for Scotland’s animals in the next Parliament: more to ensure the highest standards of welfare for companion, wild and farmed animals, so that all of Scotland’s animals can enjoy a good life; more to protect animals in Scotland from cruelty and exploitation; and more to support people responsible for animals and educate the public about animals’ needs.”

Take action now

Send an email to all the MSP candidates in your constituency asking them to make the pledge. 

Nine animal welfare organisations are fighting for Scotland's greyhounds.