Share your walk to school story with us this International Walk to School Month and we will enter you in our prize draw!

October is International Walk To School Month - and we want to hear your stories!

The health and environmental benefits of walking to school are widely celebrated. What we want to shine a light on this October are the social benefits that come from spending quality time with family and friends.

Whether you’ve got a story about walking to school with a child in your life now or a tale from your childhood that’s become a lifelong memory, we want to hear it. And as a thank you we will enter you in our prize draw for one £100 and two £50 shopping vouchers (terms and conditions apply).

  • What is special about your walk to school?
  • Tell us about the route, the scenery, your activities on the way, and the people you accompany.

We would like to use your stories in our communications about International Walk To School Month. And as a thank you, we will enter you in our prize draw.

As it's International Walk to School Month, we're particularly keen to hear about what walking to school is like around the globe.

Use this space to share your story

Use this space to tell us about your walk to school and what makes or made it special. Describe the route, the distance, the scenery, the surroundings. Who you walk(ed) with, what you did on the way.


The city, town, village and/or country


Is this years ago, or is it a walk you still take now with children?

And finally, your name and email address


Thanks for providing us with your comments. We may contact you to discuss them in more detail. We take the security of your data seriously view our full privacy policy here.