Dear Willem,
We are eating our way to a climate crisis. More than 88 billion land animals are raised and slaughtered for food each year, with industrial animal agriculture releasing greenhouse gas emissions at levels on par with all cars, planes, trains and boats around the world combined. With you by our side, we’re working to end the suffering of animals on factory farms and expose the colossal impacts of industrialized agriculture on climate change.
Leaders around the world will soon meet at the COP26 climate change conference to discuss solutions to the climate crisis, and with your help, we are delivering the message that it’s time to stop ignoring the cow in the room. Animal agriculture has been sidelined from climate change discussions for too long. We need world leaders to step up to the plate and address what’s on it.
Ask world leaders to recognize the impact of factory farming on climate change and protect animals.
Reducing our consumption of animal products is one of the best ways we, as individuals, can help animals and reduce our climate footprint. But we need world leaders to take responsibility to drive this shift further and faster.
Please join us in showing that we can all do our part to commit to a more plant-powered diet. It is critical that they do their part to support and drive a transition toward a more sustainable, planet-friendly food system. By making this shift, we can prevent the suffering of animals on factory farms and protect the world around them.
Ask world leaders to speak up for farm animals by taking action today!
Thank you for lending your voice to help protect animals.
Jeffrey Flocken
President of Humane Society International